
FUZILEIROS VIRAM GESTORES. Vai sair este ano um livro intitulado The Marine Corps Way: Using Maneuver Warfare To Lead A Winning Organization (McGraw-Hill, 2003), em que os autores - Vincent Martino, Jason Santamaria e Eric Clemons – explicam "how maneuver warfare - the modern-day combat philosophy of the United States Marine Corps - can be applied to business". Mas afinal em que consiste esta coisa do "maneuver warfare"? De acordo com o Wharton Center for Leadership and Change Management "maneuver warfare is the use of speed, surprise, and concentrated force against an opponent's weakness to achieve a maximum impact with a minimum expenditure of resources. In business, this outcome implies maximizing profits by employing resources in the most efficient manner." Se quer mesmo saber como funciona a coisa vá até ao sítio de The Marine Corps Way
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