
REDES E ECOLOGIA. O número de Março de 2004 da Harvard Business Review inclui dois artigos que merecem ser lidos. Num deles, "The New Rules for Bringing Innovations to Market", Bhaskar Chakravorti parte da constatação que "more and more markets are taking on the characteristics of networks. The interconnections among today's companies are so plentiful that often a new product's adoption by one player depends on its systematic adoption by other players". No outro, "Strategy as Ecology", Marco Iansiti e Roy Levien abordam através duma perspectiva ecológica questões como: "how can you promote the health and stability of your own ecosystem, determine your place in it, and develop a strategy to match your role? Knowing what to do requires understanding the ecosystem and your organization's role in it. Is your company a niche player, a keystone, or a dominator?"
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