
TEORIA DE REDES. A Academy of Management Review (Volume 31, N.º 3, pp. 560 - 568) inclui um artigo sugestivamente intitulado "New Frontiers in Network Theory Development" da autoria de A. Parkhe, S. Wasserman, e D. A. Ralston. Neste texto, os autores efectuam uma síntese de um conjunto de onze artigos sobre redes publicados neste número da revista. Eis o seu resumo: "This special topic forum, commissioned to stimulate theory development on building effective networks, contains eleven papers spanning the micro, meso, macro, and meta levels of analysis. Each paper breaks new ground; collectively, they suggest that we are at a crossroads in network research. Important opportunities remain, however, for further work in network theory development, and we highlight major gaps relating to network theory's scope and mission, accessibility, integration with other perspectives, and attention to process and internationalization issues."
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