
Práticas de emprego em organizações com sucesso

Employment security. Provides job security even when productivity improves; retains knowledgeable, productive workers; builds commitment and retention; and decreases costs associated with layoffs (including training and recruitment). Selective hiring. Creates cult-like cultures built on common values. Requires large applicant pool, clarity about necessary skills and attributes, clear sense of job requirements, and screening on attributes difficult to change through training. Self-managed teams and decentralization. Teams substitute peer-based control for hierarchical control; ideas are shared and creative solutions found. Decentralization increases shared responsibility for outcomes, stimulates initiative and effort, and removes levels of management (cost). Comparatively high compensation. Produces organizational success; retains expertise and experience; rewards and reinforces high performance. Compensation contingent on organization performance. Rewards the whole as well as individual effort. Requires employee training to understand links between ownership and rewards. Extensive training. Values knowledge and skills (generalist, not specialist). Relies on frontline employees' skill and initiative for problem solving, innovation, responsibility for quality. Can be source of competitive advantage. Reduction of status differences. Premised on belief that high performance is achieved when all employees' ideas, skills, efforts are fully tapped. To do this requires reducing differences among levels, both symbolically (language and labels, physical space, dress) and substantively (reduction of wage inequality across levels). Sharing information. Creates a high-trust organization; helps everyone know where contributions come from and where they stand. (Fonte: Waddock, Sandra. Leading Corporate Citizens: Vision, Values, Value Added. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw Hill/Irwin, 2006. 177.)

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