
Tópicos (6)

As questões que associam a localização e contexto ao empreendedorismo e à inovação suscitaram um número do International Journal of Technology Management editado por Domingo Ribeiro Soriano (Universitat de València, Spain) e Ángeles Montoro-Sánchez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain).
«In recent years, firms have recognized the key role played by innovation in the creation and success of businesses. In constantly changing, uncertain contexts such as those we are currently experiencing, the capacity and necessary attitude for creating new firms is fundamental and the probability of success is largely determined by innovation and management capabilities (Porter, 1998). In this sense, location and context have a profound effect on business innovation, creation and development. Business agglomerations that are grouped in science parks and clusters or industrial districts constitute environments that enable the development of innovation and the creation of new firms. On the one hand, new venture creation becomes easier due to stable relationships and better information on business opportunities, less entry costs and lower exit barriers, access to physical, financial and commercial infrastructures, as well as reduced risks and uncertainty. On the other hand, the spill-overs that are generated have a positive influence on the increase in the innovative activity of the firms located there. A firm can therefore obtain what it needs from its suppliers or partners more quickly in order to introduce innovations and thus attend more effectively to client needs (Audretsch and Feldman, 1996). Although literature exists that examines firm creation from a geographical perspective, it is necessary to take a closer look at aspects linked to location and the geographical and sectorial context, the generation and development of technology, research and development, different types of innovation and their effect on firm performance as well as their role in technological strategy, human resource management and the introduction of best practices. The objective of this Special Issue is to provide theoretical and empirical evidence that relates innovation and technological development with entrepreneurship and the geographical context (clusters, science parks, incubators). Recommended topics are as follows:
  • The effect of location and the geographical context on entrepreneurial behaviour in firms.
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship, sectorial and regional studies.
  • Integrative and interdisciplinary models of innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Science parks, incubators and the growth of technology firms.
  • New ventures based on open innovation.
  • Clustering and the R&D management of high-technology small firms.
  • Promoting innovation in business incubators.
  • Transfer of "entrepreneurial knowledge" within the cluster
  • Creation of dynamic technological competences in clusters/science parks/incubators.
  • Managing alliance relationships for innovation in clusters/science/parks/incubators.
  • Interaction between incubators and industrial clusters.
  • Governmental policies promoting innovative entrepreneurship.
  • The tendency toward innovation of firms found clusters and science parks.
  • Practices for managing human capital that enable/hinder an entrepreneurial attitude and innovation in clusters/science parks /incubators.
Audretsch, D.B., Feldman, M.P. (1996). R&D spillovers and the geography of innovation and production. American Economic Review, 86(3), 630-640.
Porter, M.E. (1998). Clusters and the new economics of competition. Harvard Business Review, 76(6), 77-90.»

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