«The International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research aims to provide a wide ranging forum for the inter-disciplinary discussion and information exchange on entrepreneurship-related topics, with the aim of advancing both conceptual development and application of empirical methodologies, leading to an improvement in our understanding of entrepreneurial behaviour. [...] In the "new competitive landscape", Entrepreneurial strategies may be more likely to be successful than administrative strategies: Exploration strategies may become more relevant as exploitation strategies are difficult to sustain over long periods of time in changing market conditions. In these conditions, entrepreneurial strategies in terms of singular, uncoordinated actions may not be an effective strategy. Rather, a strategic approach to entrepreneurship may be called for. In such a strategic approach to entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial strategies are seen as interrelated and having a long-term nature. In sum, firm's strategies may have to become more entrepreneurial, and entrepreneurship may have to become more strategic. Potential contributions may revolve around these two perspectives on strategic entrepreneurship and may include, but are not restricted to, issues such as: The intersection between strategic management and entrepreneurship; Performance implications of strategic entrepreneurship; Performance implications of entrepreneurial strategies; Strategy in/of SMEs/new ventures; Strategic management/planning in SMEs/new ventures; Strategic networks of SMEs/new ventures; Strategic innovation management in SMEs/new ventures; Strategic resources and capabilities in new ventures; Implementing entrepreneurial strategies; Linking opportunity-seeking and advantage-seeking; The role of the entrepreneur in SME/new venture strategy; Strategic entrepreneurship in family firms»Tópicos, sugestões de investigação nas áreas de interesse do editor deste blogue.
Tópicos (9)
Não tardará muito tempo para que a expressão "empreendedorismo estratégico" comece a ser utilizada na conversa de café da mesma forma que tanto o empreendedorismo como a estratégia estão omnipresentes no discurso. É precisamente esse tema que mereceu a atenção do International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour, mais especificamente dos seus editores convidados Rainer Harms, Steven T. Walsh e Aard Groen.